Marah Searle-Kovacevic

Marah Searle-Kovacevic was co-division head of operations at Cascadia Con.  She has been volunteering on Worldcons since the late 1990s, mostly in Operations roles.  She had nine different jobs at Torcon, including running the After Hugos party at Con Jose and writing for and editing the restaurant guide.  She has been active at many conventions in the Toronto area, including Gaylaxicon, Ad Astra, Toronto Trek, Anime North, Primedia, Bloody Words, and World Horror.  She has also run the green room for Confusion, and has helped with hospitality at Midwest Construction and Smofcon, and helped run the con suite at FilkONtario.  During the 1990s, she was president (and \"captain\") of the USS Hudson Bay fan club, one of Canada\'s largest and oldest media fan organizations.  Marah is a hard-core Star Trek fan, having met most of the cast of the original series and many from later series.  She commands an extreme level of Star Trek trivia knowledge.